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Organized in collaboration with the Technès international research partnership
Organizing committee: André Gaudreault (université de Montréal), Laurent Mannoni (La Cinémathèque française), Gilles Mouëllic (université Rennes 2) and Benoît Turquety (université de Lausanne).
The international symposium "Journey to the Center of Cinema Machine" endeavors to explore historical, technical and aesthetic issues tied to the exhibition From Méliès to 3D: The Cinema Machine.
Echoing its autumn exhibition, and in partnership with Technès, the Cinémathèque welcomes filmmakers, cinematographers, editors and historians from different countries (Canada, United States, Switzerland, Belgium and France).
The conference's presentations, discussions and projections will revolve around three main axes: repositioning the advent of the Cinema "Machine" ; studying the links between technology and aesthetics ; and thinking of cinema in light of current technological developments.
Each evening will conclude with the projection of an iconic film from the works of one of the conference's guests of honor. By its innovative and collaborative nature, this event will contribute to research in film studies.
Guests of honor:
Caleb Deschanel, director of photography (The Right Stuff, The Black Stallion, The Patriot, The Passion of Christ ; he also directed three episodes of Twin Peaks)
David Kenig, Panavision engineer
Lenny Lipton, inventor and 3D expert
Walter Murch, editor (The Conversation, Apocalypse Now, Ghost, The Godfather: Part 3, The English Patient)
Douglas Trumbull, filmmaker and special effects supervisor (2001: A Space Odyssey, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Blade Runner, The Tree of Life)
With the participation of Valérie Loiseleux (editor: Val Abraham, Je rentre à la maison, Arrête ou je continue, La Sapienza), William Uricchio (media history professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology).
Wednesday, November 30th, 2016 (Henri Langlois theater)
8.00pm: Opening remarks by Frédéric Bonnaud (La Cinémathèque française), Laurent Mannoni (curator), Christophe Tardieu (CNC). 70mm screening of 2001: A Space Odyssey (Stanley Kubrick, 1966) with an introduction by Douglas Trumbull
Thursday, December 1st, 2016 Births of the Cinema Machine (Henri Langlois theater)
9.30-10.00am: Opening remarks
10.00-11.00am: Keynote speech by Douglas Trumbull
11.00-11.15am: Questions from the audience
11.15am-12.00pm: "Stability and Other Myths of the Cinema." Talk by William Uricchio (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT)
12.00-12.15pm: Questions from the audience
12.15-12.45pm: Film interlude by Jean-Pierre Verscheure (member of La Cinémathèque française's scientific committee)
12.45-2.30pm: Lunch
2.30-3.00pm: "Phototelegraphy, Television, Sound Cinema: Elements for a Heterogeneous History of the Advent of the Talking Film." Talk by Anne-Katrin Weber (université de Lausanne)
3.00-3.30pm: "Nag and Gisèle Ansorge's Sand Films." Talk by Chloé Hofmann (université de Lausanne)
3.30-4.15pm : "Animation techniques." Dialogue between Franck Dion (filmmaker, illustrator) and Marcel Jean (Cinémathèque québécoise)
4.15-4.30pm: Questions from the audience
4.30-5.15pm: "Cinema Technology." Talk by Lenny Lipton (filmmaker and inventor)
5.15-5.30pm: Questions from the audience
5.30-6.30pm: "Technical collections." Panel discussion with Marie-Sophie Corcy (CNAM), Béatrice de Pastre (CNC), Corine Faugeron (Gaumont) and Anne Gourdet-Mares (Fondation Jérôme Seydoux-Pathé). Moderator: Laurent Mannoni (La Cinémathèque française)
8.30pm: 35mm screening of Brainstorm (Douglas Trumbull, 1981), preceded by a dialogue between Douglas Trumbull and Gregory Wallet (université Rennes 2)
Friday, December 2nd, 2016 The Powers of the Cinema Machine (Georges Franju theater)
9.30-10.00am: "The Aäton Machines: The History of a French Technological Invention, 1971-2013." Talk by Alexia de Mari (université Paris 3) and Fabien Le Tinnier (université Rennes 2 / université de Lausanne)
10.00-10.30am: "Godard, Digital Creative Thinking." Talk by Alain Bergala (Femis)
10.30-11.15am: "The Evolution of Sound Recording Techniques." Dialogue between Jean-Pierre Laforce (sound mixer), Erwan Kerzanet (sound engineer) and Gilles Mouëllic (université Rennes 2)
11.15-11.30am: Questions from the audience
11.30am-12.30pm: "The Image's Post-Production." Panel discussion with Jean-Marie Dreujou (director of photography), Valérie Loiseleux (editor), Christian Lurin (Technicolor, heritage director). Moderator: Benoît Turquety (université de Lausanne)
12.30-2.00pm: Lunch
2.00-2.30pm: "The Bolex H16: a Paradoxical Movie Camera." Talk by Nicolas Dulac (université de Montréal / université de Lausanne) and Vincent Sorrel (université de Lausanne)
2.30-3.00pm: "16mm Leaves Home: the Ciné-Kodak Special." Talk by Louis Pelletier (université de Montréal) and Solène Secq de Campos Velho (université de Montréal / université Lille 3)
3.00-3.30pm: "Are Digital Cameras Revolutionary?" Talk by Jean-Baptiste Massuet (université Rennes 2)
3.30-3.45pm: Questions from the audience
3.45-4.00pm: Screening of a reel of a film by Nicolas Rey: Autrement la Molussie
4.00-5.00pm: "The Cinema in a Different Light: Alternative Technologies and Experimentation." Panel discussion with Nicolas Rey (experimental filmmaker) and Cécile Dazord (curator, C2RMF – Centre de recherche et de restauration des Musées de France, Paris). Moderators: André Habib (université de Montréal), Eric Thouvenel (université Rennes 2).
5.00-5.15pm: Questions from the audience
5.15-5.45pm: Film interlude by Jean-Pierre Verscheure (member of La Cinémathèque française's scientific committee)
8.30pm: 70mm screening of The Right Stuff (Philip Kaufman, 1983) (Henri Langlois theater), preceded by a dialogue between Caleb Deschanel and Bernard Benoliel (La Cinémathèque française)
Saturday 3 December 2016 Future(s) of the Cinema Machine (Henri Langlois theater)
10.00-11.00am: Dialogue with Walter Murch (editor, sound mixer), animated by André Gaudreault (université de Montréal)
11.00-11.15am: Questions from the audience
11.15am-12.15pm: Dialogue with Caleb Deschanel, animated by Laurent Mannoni (La Cinémathèque française)
12.15-12.30pm: Questions from the audience
12.30-2.30pm: Lunch
2.30-3.00pm: "Carnal Devices and Mechanical Bodies." Talk by Richard Bégin (université de Montréal)
3.00-3.45pm: After CinemaScope: The Development of Panavision Lenses. Talk by David Kenig (Technical agent, product management – Panavision)
3.45-4.00pm: Questions from the audience
4.00-5.00pm: "Technology and the Film Industry Today." Panel discussion with Baptiste Heynemann (CNC), Christophe Lacroix (Éclair), Jean-Yves Le Poulain (Angénieux), Yves Pupulin (Binocle), Raoul Rodriguez (Sublab Production), Pierre Zandrowicz (Okio Studio). Moderator: Laurent Mannoni
5.00-5.30pm: Closing remarks by Laurent Mannoni and a film interlude by Jean-Pierre Verscheure (member of La Cinémathèque française's scientific committee)
8.30pm: 35mm screening of The Conversation (Francis Ford Coppola, 1972), preceded by a dialogue between Walter Murch and Bernard Benoliel (La Cinémathèque française)
The international symposium "Journey to the Center of the Cinema Machine" is composed of six sessions (half-days) of talks and panel discussions.
Tickets can be purchased for each individual session (5€, reduced 3€).
Free entrance for the holders of the Libre pass membership card.
The film screenings are priced as usual.
If simultaneously buying tickets for 3 or more sessions ("Formule colloque"), the reduced price (3€) is applicable.