Catalogue des appareils cinématographiques de la Cinémathèque française et du CNC

Accueil > Collection > Perforatrice de film 35 mm

Perforatrice de film 35 mm

N° Inventaire : AP-94-115

Collection : La Cinémathèque française

Catégorie d'appareil : Matériel de laboratoire

Nom du modèle : Urban - Joy Standard Perforator

Numéro de fabrication : n° 20

Lieu de fabrication : Londres, Grande-Bretagne

Année de fabrication : À partir de 1909

Fiche détaillée

Type de l'appareil

entraînement du film 35 mm par came excentrique ; poulie d'entraînement ; base en bois


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Charles Urban Trading Company
Londres, 48 Rupert Street

Urban, Charles et Joy
Londres, 48 Rupert Street


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Charles Urban Trading Company
Londres, 48 Rupert Street

Urbanora House
Londres, 89 & 91 Wardour Street

Sujet du modèle

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Taille de l'objet

Ouvert :
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Fermé :
Longueur : 36 cm
Largeur : 26.5 cm
Hauteur : 35.5 cm

Diamètre :
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Taille de la boîte de transport

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Gravé sur la fonte : "Urban-Joy Standard Perforator". Appareil dit "step-by-step", distinct du vieux modèle Urban (perforeuse rotative.)

The Urban-Joy Film Perforator. The Urban-Joy machine comes under what is known as the "Step-by-step" class, as distinct from the old rotary perforator. Only two holes being simultaneously punched in the film, the perforations are made with absolute scientific accuracy, thus ensuring projection of the pictures on the screen without the slightest flicker. The principal characteristic of this machine is the ease and certainty by which minute adjustments can be otained, the recognised standard of 64 holes to the foot being accepted as universal. It follows, therefore, that a perforator is necessary which can easily be adapted to meet the varying qualities and thicknesses of film. The fine adjustment of the Urban-Joy perforator is obtained by altering the fulcrum of a system of levers by which means the stoke can be varied to the millionth part of an inch. The machine is easily threaded : no "leader" is required as is the case with the 8-hole punches, and it is so constructed that perforations can be made at any point of the film from the first inch, thus saving the waste of a leader. It is more often threaded, with equal facility, in absolute darkness than with the ordinary dark room light. The punches and dies are easily detachable for sharpening or renewing purposes and the cost of upkeep is necessarily smaller where one die is used than in the case of a machine wich requires four. For an 8 hole machine, the upkeep for punches and dies is enormous by comparison, dies and punches for the Urban-Joy being one-twentieth of the cost of the 8 hole punch. The Urban-Joy Perforator is constructed on true mechanical principles : that is to say, it does not work against friction caused by springs : consequently the parts run very ireely and smoothly. It is fitted with a heavy balance wheel, which can be driven by a small motor of about 1/40 h.p. The machine is compact, of solid construction, and occupies a small space. [...] The film is passed through the machine by the pendulum action of the punches, thus avoiding undue strain upon the material. When the punches are disengaged, the film is held in position by a clamp working in opposite synchronism to the action of the punches, and this clamp is provided with a hand lever to raise the same when the operator is threading the machine. Price of the Urban-Joy film perforator, complete, £ 50" (Urbanora 1914 Catalogue, Kinematograph Machines, Motion Picture Accessories, Londres, The Charles Urban Trading Co. Ltd, 1914, pp. 13-14).


Price List 1910, Urban Bioscopes, Cameras and Accessories, Londres, Charles Urban Trading Co., 1910, pp. 15-16 (modèle avec une poulie plus large).

Urbanora 1914 Catalogue, Kinematograph Machines, Motion Picture Accessories, Londres, The Charles Urban Trading Co. Ltd, 1914, pp. 13-14.