Catalogue des appareils cinématographiques de la Cinémathèque française et du CNC

Accueil > Collection > Appareil pour l'expérience de la persistance des impressions lumineuses

Appareil pour l'expérience de la persistance des impressions lumineuses

N° Inventaire : AP-10-2493(1/4)

Collection : La Cinémathèque française

Catégorie d'appareil : Visionnement

Nom du modèle : Optic Wonder or Creator of Form

Lieu de fabrication : Londres, Grande-Bretagne

Année de fabrication : Entre 1867 et 1868

Fiche détaillée

Type de l'appareil

boîte en carton (1) avec étiquette imprimée contenant trois boîtes en carton avec étiquettes illustrées ; ces trois boîtes contiennent : (2) "By Royal Letters Patent Optic Wonder or Creator of Form, Price 1 /-, Stereoscopic Company" : une roue dentée à manivelle pour fixer et faire tourner l'un des six sujets métalliques colorés placés également dans la boîte ; (3) "An extra set of 8 metallic subjects for the Optic Wonder, Price 1 /- Stereoscopic Company" : huit sujets métalliques colorés à faire tourner ; (4) "A set of 6 crystal objects for the Optic Wonder, price 1 /-, Stereoscopic Company" : six sujets en verre (un cassé) à faire tourner


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London Stereoscopic and Photographic Company


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Sujet du modèle

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Taille de l'objet

Ouvert :
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Fermé :
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Diamètre :
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Taille de la boîte de transport

Longueur : 8.2 cm
Largeur : 8.2 cm
Hauteur : 6 cm


Etiquettes sur chaque boîte : 1) "An Optic Wonder, complete with 2 extra boxes of objects inclunding some beautiful forms in cristal" ; 2) "By Royal Letters Patent Optic Wonder or Creator of Form, Price 1 /-, Stereoscopic Company" ; 3) "An extra set of 8 metallic subjects for the Optic Wonder, Price 1 /- Stereoscopic Company" ; 4) "A set of 6 crystal objects for the Optic Wonder, price 1 /-, Stereoscopic Company".
"This scientific instrument illustrates in a most remarkable manner the Natural Phenomenon of "Persistence of Vision", and will afford both amusement and instruction to persons of all ages. The method of using the little instrument is exceedingly simple. 1st. Take the handle of the instrument firmly between the rhumb and forefinger of the left hand, the projecting pinion being kept uppermost. 2ndly. Take one of the segmentary forms by the metal socket, and gently press it on the projecting pinion, after which, turn the handle with the right hand, with moderate rapidity. 3rdly. Hold the instrument while in motion before any drak substance ; and allow the light to fall upon it from one side only. On complying with the above directions, and by changing the objects, a number of familiar and attractive forms will be evolved, the sudden production of which by such simple means, will excite the greatest surprise and amusement. Extra sets of forms. N° 1. A set of 6 transparent crystal forms (the light should be permitted tu pass through these, and the effects produced are very beautiful). N° 2. A set of 8 colored metallic forms" (Notice An Optic Wonder, or Creator of Form, London, London Stereoscopic and Photographic Company, s.d., p. 1).


Notice An Optic Wonder, or Creator of Form, London, London Stereoscopic and Photographic Company, s.d., 4 p.
William B. Carpenter, "On the Zoetrope and its antecedants", in The Student and intellectual observer of science, London, 1868.
Henry Hopwood, Living Pictures : their history, photo-reproduction and practical working, London, Optician and Photographic Trades Review, 1899.
"The Optic Wonder", The New Magic Lantern Journal, vol. 10, n° 5, automne 2009, p. 92-93.