Ressources documentaires : Bibliographie

Sur la Triangle

- Kalton C. Lahue, Dreams for Sale. The Rise and Fall of the Triangle Film Corporation, Barnes, 1971.
- Al P. Nelson, Mel R. Jones, A Silent Siren Song. The Aitken Brothers' Hollywood Odyssey, 1905-1926, Cooper Square Press, 2000.

Sur le cinéma américain des années 10 et le système des studios

- Alistair Cooke, Douglas Fairbanks. The making of a screen character, The Museum of Modern Art of New York, 1940.
- Jean Mitry, Thomas H. Ince, maître du cinéma, Ed. Cinémathèque Française, Paris 1956.
- Kevin Brownlow, The Parade's Gone By…, Secker & Warburg, 1968.
- Kevin Brownlow, The War, the West, and the Wilderness, Knopf, 1979.
- David Bordwell, Janet Staiger, Kristin Thompson, The Classical Hollywood Cinema. Film Style and Mode of Production to 1960, Columbia University Press, 1985.
- Kristin Thompson, Exporting Entertainment. America in the World Film Market. 1907-1934, BFI Publishing, 1985.
- Eileen Bowser, The Transformation of Cinema. 1907-1915 (vol. 2 de History of the American Cinema), University of California Press, 1990.
- Richard Koszarski, An Evening's Entertainment. The Age of the Silent Feature Picture, 1915-1928 (vol. 3 de History of the American Cinema), University of California Press, 1990.
- Charles Keil, Early American Cinema in Transition: Story, Style and Filmmaking. 1907-1913, Wisconsin Film Studies, 2001.
- Anthony Slide, The New Dictionary of the American Film Industry, Scarecrow Press, 2001.
- Richard Abel (ed.), Encyclopedia of Early Cinema, Routledge, 2004.
- Paolo Cherchi Usai, (ed.), The Griffith Project, vol. 9, 10, BFI Publishing, 2004/5.
- Douglas Gomery, The Hollywood Studio System. A History, BFI Publishing, 2005.
- Richard Abel, Americanizing the Movies and "Movie-Mad" Audiences, 1910-1914, University of California Press, 2007.
- Jan Olsson, Los Angeles before Hollywood. Journalism and American Film Culture, 1905 to 1915, National Library of Sweden, 2008.
- Margarita De Orellana, Filming Pancho. How Hollywood Shaped the Mexican Revolution, Verso, 2009.
- Charles Keil, Ben Singer, American Cinema of the 1910s. Themes and variations, Rutgers University Press, 2009.
- Rob King, The Fun Factory. The Keystone Film Company and the Emergence of Film Culture, University of California Press, 2009.
- Shelton Hall, Steve Neale, Epics, spectacles and blockbusters. A Hollywood History, Wayne State University Press, 2010.

Sur la société américaine au début du siècle :

- Robert H. Wiebe, The Search for Order. 1877-1920, Hill and Wang, 1967.
- David Traxel, Crusader Nation. The United States in Peace and the Great War. 1898-1920, First Vintage Books, 2007.
- Drew Gilpin Faust, The Republic of Suffering. Death and the American Civil War, Vintage Civil War Library, 2008.